

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与 Rich,商业信息系统高级讲师 Manchester Metropolitan University.


I’m Rich, Manchester Metropolitan University商业信息系统高级讲师, 以及令人惊叹的商业技术理学士学位课程的项目负责人, 我是一个“学者”。, 具有多年的技术项目管理经验, and I think I have a balanced perspective on bridging the gap between higher education and the needs of the digital sector. 我的专长是支持数字企业创新的知识转移, 所以我真的很高兴我们能与全球最大的博彩平台数字合作.

What specific technical skills do you believe are most valuable for graduates entering the digital and tech industry in Manchester?

对于进入这个领域的毕业生来说,一些最有价值的技术技能包括数据分析, 了解云计算, 人工智能/机器学习概念, 开发技能, UX design, 项目管理, 以及与物联网等新兴技术相关的技能, blockchain, and XR. 将这些与业务结合起来, creativity, agility, 强大的沟通能力是关键,对我来说这似乎是一个挑战. 我还认为,网络安全技能的重要性日益明显. 随着越来越多的业务以数字化方式进行, 以及数据泄露的成本和频率, everyone seems to be looking for graduates who understand security principles and can help protect ttheir digital assets.

Another skill area I see as increasingly valuable is what I’m calling "digital ethics" - the ability to navigate complex moral and societal implications of emerging technologies. 我们有数据隐私等问题, 算法的偏见, 以及自动化对工作的影响, so businesses really need graduates who can think critically about these challenges and help develop ethical technological practices as they emerge.


I think diversity and inclusion are critical for the success of Manchester's digital businesses because it enables a wider range of perspectives, 带来更多的创新和更好的问题解决. 同时,对于合适的人来说,全球最大的博彩平台有很多机会, 因此,吸引各种背景的人才会创造一个更大的人才库. 数字企业面临的挑战很复杂,因为它们往往是新的, 因此,成功地解决这些问题需要团队能够利用广泛的经验, perspectives, 以及思维方式, 这些团队在预测和满足不同客户群的需求方面也做得更好. 随着该地区人口的持续增长和变化, 反映我们业务的多样性将是一个关键的竞争优势, as well as I think consumers of digital products and services increasingly expect and reward firms demonstrating inclusive values.

Of course, 建立真正多元化和包容性的组织需要的不仅仅是雇佣多元化的人才. It means that graduate pipelines need to be equal – so in my programme we really benefit from being very diverse, 这意味着我们受益于真正的多元文化体验. That said, 有时,在学位学徒制的道路上,它没有那么多样化, 这是由雇主和他们提供学位学徒的人推动的, so with the increase in vocational qualifications and their popularity we need to also encourage employers to look at their recruitment methods. 这意味着要培养一种让每个人都感到被重视的文化, supported, 并被授权在招聘前贡献他们最好的工作, 以及来自领导层的承诺, 正在进行的培训和教育应与这些职业方案明确一致. 企业自身也需要有挑战现状的意愿,才能做到这一点.

What strategies or initiatives can employers implement to attract and retain top talent in the digital sector?

吸引最优秀的数字人才, 雇主应该把重点放在建设进步, 目的驱动型文化,人们可以从外部环境中理解. I think there is a clear value in people understanding the scope of the exciting projects within the business at a recruitment stage, 因为人们想要为有成就感的组织工作. 了解您将使用的技术也会有所帮助. 如果你对未来有更清晰的想法, 留存率可以归结为最小化期望值差异, 兑现承诺,确保员工感受到挑战, supported, and valued.

我发现有趣的是,对数字技能的需求正处于历史高位, 企业需要做好为顶尖人才付费的准备. 因此,他们对有才能的毕业生十大正规博彩网站评级并留下的成本也很现实, 要知道,对一些大学毕业生的补偿, 开始在科技领域的职业生涯, 我认为钱只是等式的一部分, and they will want to see opportunities for continuous learning and development within their packages – I think there is a really good argument in fact for more post graduate apprenticeships being strategically offered to support this, 因为我们很少看到传统途径的学位向学徒制的转变, although this is a clear way to retain staff as they are within work and an education scheme leading to an MSc as part of the process. 这对科技行业非常重要, 哪里的变化速度如此之快, 员工们也想知道,他们有机会保持自己的技能新鲜,并促进自己的职业发展, 这样的机会体现了对留存率的真正承诺, 并可能成为进一步多元化毕业后学徒群体的途径. Finally, something I have found through supporting graduate into roles in recent years is that they want to see a compelling mission and vision – they really want to work for organisations that are making a positive impact in the world, 这可以表达一个明确的目的,并表明对社会责任的承诺.

在你看来, 全球最大的博彩平台的雇主应该关注哪些新兴技术或趋势?

这是一个很难回答的问题,因为事情在不断变化. 很明显,人工智能正变得越来越普遍, 我们有边缘计算, 物联网正在大规模扩张,在这个领域有很多低成本的方法来开发产品和服务, XR正在成为主流, 我认为小型企业可以开始利用沉浸感. 与此同时,因为这些技术正在兴起,并在使用中不断增长, 随着越来越多的业务以数字化方式完成,我们确实需要更加关注网络安全. 这就是我认为区块链会找到更多实际商业应用的地方. 在政策和支持方面也有对清洁技术和绿色技术解决方案的推动. 同时,我们是否在教授正确的技能? 我认为我们有时在教人们技术语言, but we also need to start upskilling people in all the low-code and no-code platforms that are emerging as business can do so much more now without the need for a developer, 所以在早期阶段,你可以使用技术来帮助你的企业扩大规模. 


        量子计算即将发生, 我认为我们很快就能解决经典计算机之外的问题, and I believe this will revolutionise fields that lots of businesses in our region have interest in – I would be watching sectors that require financial and predictive modelling, 甚至像物流优化这样的事情, and already in the University we are working on a couple of projects with businesses now that I think when the technology is fully realised will be able to really disrupt the market.

        The decentralised web being built on blockchain technologies could transform how we interact online and give users greater control over their data – that will significantly disrupt trust and ethics and consumer expectations of digital products and services.

我认为会有很多挑战需要克服, but businesses are going to need to be increasingly proactive in understanding these technologies and their implications, 包括通过入职毕业生. 与此同时,现在出现了一种明显的技术融合, 所以人工智能和物联网结合在一起, 区块链与生物信息学, 用神经技术做x光, and so on. I think business need to be aware that the most transformative innovations will likely emerge at the intersections of these technologies, so they will need to work across disciplinary boundaries and combine technologies in creative ways to disrupt new markets.

How can employers collaborate with educational institutions like Manchester Metropolitan University to bridge the gap between academia and industry needs?

Educational partnerships are so important and in my programme myself and the team are really focussed on making these happen, 根据现实世界的行业需求,共同为课程和项目开发提供信息. 联合研究项目, but more than that we can often use a client problem and our amazing student contextualise theory and provide answers to a real-world problem. 我们有来自工业界的客座讲座, 我们希望有更多全球最大的博彩平台数字公司参与进来. Another way is for businesses to provide projects or support innovation competitions for students – could a 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 business give our students hands-on experience solving real business challenges, 获得一些联系, LinkedIn推荐, 但同时也能及早发现人才? 和我联系讨论一下,因为这些都是我们可以做的! We have brilliant student internships and consulting projects - so you could embed a student in your organisations for a short-time, 或者甚至是间隔年,这是一个很好的方法,可以在毕业生完成学业后留住他们, 因为很多人会在第三年为他们的主人兼职,毕业后全职工作. 

另一个我认为很难做好的领域是教师的专业发展, where I believe we have future opportunities to develop industry sabbaticals with clear research outputs and the ability to tell the story of organisations as research partners. Ultimately, 我认为我们的目标应该是创造一个产业告知学术界的循环, 学术界培养适合行业的人才, 人才推动着行业的创新和增长, 然后反馈到学术研究中. 当然,这一切都不会自动发生. 这需要人际关系,以及尝试和适应的意愿, 这就是为什么和你们的伙伴关系, 你的会员可以带来真正的改变, 实现协同效应,推动合作.


了解更多全球最大的博彩平台Manchester Metropolitan University的信息 here.


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