
对提供服务的热情. Kate Sandall, IT主管.


全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview members to find out a bit more about their passions to help you get to know them.

本周我们采访了Kate Sandall, IT主管 at Zuto, a car finance broker founded in 2006 with a mission to simplify the car buying and financing process for customers. Zuto连接客户, 银行, 以及英国各地的汽车经销商, 提供60多种不收取任何费用的理财产品. 曾经帮助过250多人,000名满意的顾客以可承受的价格购买了他们梦想中的汽车, Zuto是一家每个员工都能有所作为的企业. From their work assisting key workers during the pandemic to their long-standing partnership with Autotrader, Zuto的文化是由团队合作驱动的, 包容性, 并致力于激发人们最好的一面.

让我们从头开始. 是什么让你进入服务行业的?

这纯属偶然. I actually very nearly ended up managing a pub following working there post-college. At the last minute I declined and picked up a temporary job which involved driving round the West Country and auditing IT equipment. 在那些日子里,它需要拾取每一件物品——电脑, 监控, 键盘, 鼠标——然后把它翻过来找序列号. 这样你就知道我的年龄了!

Once I’d done that, I was tasked with entering the results into a spreadsheet. “电子表格是什么?我问,原来我喜欢电子表格. 现在我还是……

当我输入数据时, I occasionally picked up a call from someone in the organisation looking for assistance with something. At first, I had to ask the engineers, but soon got the hang of the requirements. This was a great part of the job I had seemingly invented for myself – getting to know the organisation, 出去走走,帮助人们解决电脑问题.  

两年后,我有了自己的办公室——帮助台. I had a system for logging and reporting on calls which I had built myself in dBase IV (another ancient reference), 还有一个团队成员向我汇报. 我决定是时候去伦敦发财了. 

25年后, 在公共部门工作了一段时间之后, 航运, 移动电信, 劳合社保险市场和世界顶级商学院之一, 我在全球最大的博彩平台担任Zuto的IT主管. 


The biggest difference is that rather than a supporting act to the business, IT现在几乎是每个企业不可或缺的一部分, 在金融科技的世界里,这是一门生意. There are so many more technologies to go wrong, and so much more complexity. Impact and urgency need to be evaluated much more stringently and accurately.  

另一个很大的不同是人们的期望. When I first started out, people expected that technology would fail on a regular basis. Now everyone is used to carrying around a powerful piece of technology in their pocket that rarely malfunctions, 有多种用途, 更新容易,无声,不需要支持. 为什么“work IT”不应该是一样的? There are many reasons it’s not – but that doesn’t help when something’s broken and a deadline looms…


平滑客户旅程的满足感. Service Delivery really is an opportunity to understand your customers’ requirements, which requires a lot of customer interaction (AKA chatting over coffee) and a lot of problem solving as a team. It’s true that at an entry-level it can be a bit repetitive if you’re on the front-line handling calls or an email queue, 但大多数人很快就会转向更有趣的东西. 

A large part of the function is service improvement which usually gives rise to interesting projects, 随着服务交付的范围越来越广, an opportunity to get stuck into all sorts of technologies from cloud services to end-user devices, 网络, 最终用户培训, 电话和信息技术安全. 工作当然是多种多样的.


在大多数组织中, 联合服务交付取决于是否拥有适合工作的工具, 从服务台票务管理工具开始. These range from basic call logging through to design and build your own automated processes, 确保票送到正确的团队, 从最终用户那里收集正确的信息, and making visible all the information a support engineer needs to resolve that ticket.

并不是真正的技术, but ITIL is a best practice framework that has been developed over the years as technologies change and understanding of service delivery deepens. 最新版本, ITIL 4, has evolved beyond the delivery of services to providing end-to-end value delivery. The focus is now on the co-creation of value through service relationships and includes the customer as an essential element.

面向终端用户的自助服务已经存在了一段时间, 但实时聊天正变得越来越普遍, and often preferable to phone calls or emails where the workforce is now more of the e-generation and prefers to message or chat rather than actually talk to someone! 

Then there are the opportunities for integration – to suppliers’ tools for external support services, 软件开发管理,如果你支持内部系统的话, to asset management or even a configuration management database so all the information you could possibly need is at your fingertips, information flows in the right direction and any issues are promptly understood, 管理, 和解决.

谁是你的英雄? (或者如果没有英雄,你能推荐谁去追随?)

霍华德·肯德尔是现在服务台研究所的创始人. He was one of the first people to understand that the IT Help Desk required a different set of skills to other customer service roles and began providing specialist training courses. His passion for helping organisations improve their IT service to customers has resulted in the creation of a global community for everyone working in the service desk industry, 有规律的活动, training courses and opportunities to network with fellow service delivery professionals and potential suppliers. 

我也推荐Akshay Anand, a service management professional who until recently was a lead architect and product ambassador for ITIL 4. What he doesn’t know about service delivery processes probably isn’t worth knowing. 

And finally, an ex-colleague of mine at the London Business School, Professor Dan Cable. 他是组织行为学教授, 以及他的教学领域, 研究, 咨询包括员工敬业度, 主要变化, organizational culture and its effects on sustained competitive advantage, 领导力发展与心态, 以及品牌和员工行为之间的联系. 他还出版了两本书, and I particularly recommend Alive At Work for insight into how you can help your teams enjoy what they do. 


